Command Line Interface Management

The Command Line Interface, or CLI, software is a configuration shell for DLB-based devices. CLI is an alternative way of configuring the device. It is not intended to be the main device management method. Using CLI, the operator can test the authentication parameters, change the administrator’s password, reboot the device, reset the device to its default settings, see the device configuration, or view the device status.

All of the key shortcuts available in the CLI mode are listed in the table below:

CLI keys

CLI access

Use the SSH client application (e.g. Putty) to access the CLI of the WILI-S-based device.

Make sure that the SSH server is properly configured.


Enter the administrator login information as displayed in the command prompt.

Default administrator login information:

  • User Name: admin
  • Password: admin01

After a successful login, enter the help command to get the list of available CLI commands:



List of all CLI commands:

ping <ip>
telnet <ip>
show config
save config
show gateway
set gateway <gateway>
set user <user> password <encrypted_password> 
show software version
linktest [frames <packet count>] [pkt-size <packet size>] [sessions <session count>] [peer <peer number>] [ip <remote IP>]
set virtual-ap <interface>
no virtual-ap <interface>
show interface list
show interface <interface> mac
show interface <interface> ip
set interface <interface> ip <ip/subnet mask>
show interface <interface> wireless-mode
set interface <interface> wireless-mode <ap, ipoll-ap, repeater, station, statio n-auto-ipoll> [peer-mac <MAC>]
set interface <interface> wds <on, off>
show interface <interface> ssid
set interface <interface> ssid <ssid>
show interface <interface> ssid-broadcast
set interface <interface> ssid-broadcast
no interface <interface> ssid-broadcast
show interface <interface> security
set interface <interface> security <open, wep64, wep128, wpa-psk, wpa2-psk, wpa-ent, wpa2-ent>
        wep64 key <1,2,3,4> pass <pass>
        wpa-psk/wpa2-psk encr <tkip, aes, auto> pass <pass>
        wpa-ent/wpa2-ent encr <tkip, aes, auto> pass <pass> radius <radius ip> port <radius port>
show interface <interface> ieee-mode
set interface <interface> ieee-mode <11a, 11b, 11bg, 11g, 11n, 11gn, 11an, 11bgn, 11n5>
show interface <interface> channel
set interface <interface> channel <channel>
set interface <interface> channel-auto <channel,channel,...>
set interface <interface> txpower <txpower>
set interface <interface> up
set interface <interface> down
show interface <interface> peers
show interface <interface> vlan-to-ssid
set interface <interface> vlan-to-ssid <vlan id>
no interface <interface> vlan-to-ssid <vlan id>
set interface <interface> vlan <vlan id>
no interface <interface> vlan <vlan id>
Examples of how to use CLI commands:

To change the wireless security setting, type the following command and press the Enter key:

set interface ra0 security open

To review the list of stations connected to the radio, type the following command and press Enter:

show interface ra0 peers


To check the current radio SSID, type the following command and press Enter:

show interface ra0 ssid


Type logout to leave the CLI mode:
